The Koel Times Are A Changin'

Monday, August 24, 2009

Tiny Town Part 1

A couple of weekends ago we took Gavin to Tiny Town in Morison/Evergreen/45 minutes from our house. (Pick whichever of those locale descriptions makes the most sense to you because I'm still a little unclear as to where, exactly, it was.) Anyway, the "town" is comprised of about a hundred little houses that may be anything from a tiny fire station to a little dress shop. They're fun to look into, and the original--some of which are built up on the hillside--were built in 1919. But the main draw for Gavin was, of course, the train! They tout having the tiniest coal-powered steam engine in the country (I think that sounds right), and Gavin loved watching it and riding on it.

The most unexpected and fun part of our little trip to Tiny Town was running into Chris and Megan Langer and their family in the first ten minutes upon our arrival! What a funny coincidence that we all chose that day to check it out and hadn't even talked about it in advance. It was fun to look at the houses and ride the train together. Great to see you guys, as always!


Blogger Megan said...

It was so fun to see you there! Love you guys... :)

August 25, 2009 at 8:52 PM  

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