Brent caught this picture of Gavin helping him string the Christmas lights. They did a good job together, and the perfectionist in me had to let it go when I came home later to find the job done. Sometimes I have to remind myself that it's more important (and fun!) that we all do it together than if it's done perfectly with little to no help from anyone else.

Gavin was helping me frost some sugar cookies here. He still really loves to help out in the kitchen. In fact, one of the things that he may decide to spend his "credit card" on is a replacement whisk for his little kitchen that he can also use in ours. (He manhandled his first one, and it barely resembled a whisk by the time Brent introduced it to the trashcan.)

Gavin helped me hang ornaments on the tree during Gage's morning nap. It was fun to pull out his ornaments from our box and realize that he's forming his own little collection already. The kids both did remarkably well this year not bothering the tree or the ornaments...and not eating much of them either. Our poor, dry tree had a pile of needles underneath it by the end. We'll still always vote for a real tree though, right Honey? We love the smell and the look, enough to handle the frequent sweeping I guess.
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