The Koel Times Are A Changin'

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Park Day with Dad...

Tara was hanging out with good friends in Portland and it was an all-guys weekend back home. Gavin was too sick to ride his own bike, so I pulled both of the little men to the "Red Park" in the trusty flyer. They did well, but they were packed quite tightly. What you can't see is a full-sized soccer ball below the blankets that became a major source of strife about who could hold it during the ride.

Above, Gage seems to be slowly adjusting to the brightness of the sun after being inside all morning. It's fun to see that he is getting big enough to really enjoy the playgrounds, as well. They have started to chase each other around a bit, and Gavin always likes to come swing next to Gage when he gets the chance. As you can see from the picture, Gavin is quite the ham for a camera. If I get any pictures of Gage, I quickly hear a "Take a picture of me too!" from Gavin.

Short-haired Little Man...

The top picture kills me. What a funny face on Gage! I insisted on the short hair with the boys' hair stylist the other day, in an attempt to avoid being back there again next week. Their hair grows so fast! And Daddy is convinced that I'd scalp them (or something?!) so he won't let me save the money by cutting their hair myself. I mean, how badly could I really cut their hair?!

I have to say that our gal did a pretty "bang up" job with this last cut. I know she thought I was crazy when I kept telling her to cut it shorter, but this way we won't be wiping his hair out of his eyes tomorrow. And he looks adorable! (Though I don't know what you'd have to do to him for him not to look that way.)

The boys...

My goodness, you don't need to tell me: They both look huge! Like they're ready for college or something! I don't remember the occasion, but I would imagine that this picture was taken on a church day, and any day is a good day for our baby to eat a whole peeled apple. Check him out!

Uncle Zachie and Auntie Lorna (expecting their first baby at the beginning of May, by the way) bought Gage this adorable little camel coat, another thing I'm really going to miss when he outgrows it. It's been so fun lately to watch the boys eating their snacks (or stealing them from one another) at the little picnic table together. I blink my eyes and they've reached another milestone. Gage is wearing little tennis shoes, for heaven's sake!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Bathtimes revisited...

The little dudes take quite a few baths together these days, even when I'm just trying to get one of them in. Gavin usually strips down in seconds to hop in with his little brother, whether that was part of the plan or not. Today, in fact, he offered to get into the second emergency bath with Gage.

Gavin loves his little brother so much, though Brent put it well the other day to some friends of ours: There's a fine line with him (Gavin) between a hug and a headlock.

We're trying to make more of an effort to brush Gage's teeth lately. I can't tell if the 'ol training toothpaste is going to help us with this or not.

Oh, how I love to see my kids fresh from a bath! And, apparently, I've passed that onto Gavin as well. He said to me the other day, "But I want to see Gage wrapped up in his towel!"

Random selection...

Honestly, does it get any cuter than this?!

Here's Gage in his little C.U. onesie and sweat pants.

I'm so sad that Gage has probably outgrown this little red number. We enjoyed it so much with both boys--so cozy and warm.

Eat more chickin...

You've just got to love my husband's subject headings. And you may also enjoy seeing our 3.5-year-old son giving us the two-thumbs-up with his shirt off, not because he's hot but because his shirt was too disgusting to keep on his body.

Gavin is demonstrating his like of the ever-popular dinosaur nuggets that we pull out every once in awhile.

Some classic Gavin lines from recent days:

"Sure, I will be on the job."
"I have to move the Gage outta this situation."
"Mama...take, take it easy."
"But, I have something in mind."
"No, I didn't like the pot roast...there's lots of fake parts."

Just lounging around...

I love these two little boys more than words could ever express. They are SO precious to me! Please admire Gage's Christmas suit in March. Hey, if the clothes fit, wear 'em!

When Gavin is not wrestling his little brother to the ground, tipping him over now that Gage has started to walk (!) or giving him violent-seeming hugs and kisses, then he's being sweetly affectionate like he is in this picture. Wow! How moments like these warm a mother's heart!