The Koel Times Are A Changin'

Saturday, August 6, 2011


Gavin had a great week at VBS at a local church earlier this summer. On Thursday night of that week they had a little program to show the parents what the kids had been learning, and it cracked me up (and totally mystified me) that Gavin stood in the WAY back during the song they shared. I don't blame you if you can't see our child at all, because I don't think I can either.

Here Daddy caught him doing the appropriate hand motions with the song they were singing (go Gavin!), and it does appear that he was, in fact, in the last possible row in his little neon green VBS shirt. (He's the one with his hands by his mouth on the left in the back row.) I helped out with music on Wednesday and Friday and was so pleasantly surprised to see Gavin listening to his teachers and not totally acting out when I was leading music too. (You know how common it is for kids to freak out when Mommy is one of their teachers too, but Gavin really kept his cool about it and continued participating with the other kids when I was in the room.) The whole experience gave me a taste for preschool this Fall: seeing Gavin as a student, having one-on-one time with Gage and having a new and different rhythm/schedule.


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