Is this guy cute, or what? This must have been a Daddy/Gage time, because I have no recollection of this moment or any memory of this picture. Gage loves to help Daddy with any and all yard work, just about anytime that Daddy will let him.

I like this picture of Gage raking the sidewalk. Keep up the good work, Buddy!
This actual event happened many moons ago, but I'm just sitting down tonight (Jan of 2012) to catch up on some blogging. Brent points out that the comments I make in the moment won't match the date that he uploaded the pictures (the publishing date, I guess), and I just have to get over that and keep moving forward. (This sort of thing is hard for perfectionists.) Anyway, the comment
today that won't match the Fall picture
then is that I just can't believe that our little man will be two on Monday (which is actually January 9!).
He's saying things in complete sentences (or at least complete thoughts) these days! Among his comments are: my turn, don't say that, hit me (to incriminate his big brother, of course), love you, miss you, don't do that 'gain, and other things I can't remember right now. And he parrots most anything we say these days. This was a big week for him: He had his first soccer lesson after watching Big Bro play for two years, and today he had his first swimming lesson with "
Miz Liz"... and did quite well, might I add. He's growing up! He really is becoming our second little boy and not our baby, though I will always call them both my babies...and think of them that way, I'm sure.