The Koel Times Are A Changin'

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Mother's Day with Grandma Mike...

While I was in Oregon, the boys visited Brent's mom for Mother's Day, and they took a little adventure/nature walk near Pam's house. Above is Gage picking up some pine cones from the neighborhood trees. (Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that I was actually gone for Mother's Day weekend because it just turned out to be the best time for all of us to make the trip to Oregon work. I had lovely flowers and lots of sweet pictures awaiting my arrival on Sunday night when the boys were fast asleep.)

It is hard to tell what this actually is unless you witnessed its creation, but this is a "dirt angel" modeled after the more commonly-known "snow angel." Needless to say, Gavin needed a change of clothes when we got back from the nature walk.

Here is Grandma Mike pointing out some of the local wildlife across the stream path during the walk. It's great to see that our boys take such interest in the outdoors and animals of all kinds.

Clearly, no hike is complete without finding a nice, old, dirty, oily tractor to climb on. We had to limit the amount of riding on this thing, because it seemed like it was an accident waiting to happen. They were psyched, but we eventually moved on toward the next promised cool destination.

Now it was Gavin's turn to walk with Grandma Mike, and they took off on us. I (Brent)walked with Gage and a stroller that he mostly refused to ride in but wanted to push. This turned into a very slow process, but eventually Grandma Mike and Gavin got so far ahead that I was able to convince Gage we needed to run with him in the stroller to catch up. He bought it for awhile. All in all, this was a great long adventure and the boys had a great time. It was also good to have a nice Mother's Day time with Grandma Mike.


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