Super Audobaun
One of the coolest things they do in Broomfield is to stock the water park with fish after the Bay closes for the season and invite families to bring their kids fishing. A-D-O-R-A-B-L-E!!!
Gavin's fifth birthday brought many fun, new Lego sets to explore and construct. He did this fire house 99% on his own, diligently following the instructions in the manual. We were both impressed! And what's funny about Gavin is that once he's built something, he likes to add it to his dresser museum, where he displays it with pride for all to see, having no plans in the foreseeable future to build it again. (Unless Mama were to take a hammer to some/all of his creations, just to give him something to do during his "quiet" times in the afternoons...did I just say that out loud?)
Uncle Mike got this awesome Bronco's jersey for Gavin as a birthday gift. Well played, Mike. Gavin looks terrific in it, and it fits him like a glove. Brent's excited that both of the boys are taking more interest in football lately. My personal favorite is when I hear Gage cheering, "Go, football, go!" It's in that moment that I think that he and I--for what might only be a short moment in time, I realize--are on the same page as far as our limited knowledge of the game...and anything that has to do with it, for that matter.
These pictures were taken to mark Gage's first day in school. He goes just on Fridays this year, and his teacher (see below) is Mrs. Zadrozny ("Miss Z"). He comes right in and takes off his backpack and usually gets right down to "work" (play dough, puzzles, blocks, cars, etc.), though he's still asking me from time to time if I'll stay and play with him. While the boys are in school on Fridays, I'm trying to jam as much as possible into three hours of freedom--appointments, exercise, errands--before I'm back to pick them up and hear about each of their fun school experiences. They're both quiet for a minute until one decides to start telling me a story, at which point the other one decides that it's the opportune time to do the same, and then inevitably we get Gage saying, "But, Gav, I'm trying to tell a story" even if he wasn't yet. I really want to teach them to be good audiences for each other, and that's a work in progress. Any suggestions?
Here are Brent's mom and step-dad with all four grandkids. Madison (standing) and Sarah (in Bob's arms) are Jackie's two girls. The photographer we used that day was the same one that took Jackie and Karl's wedding photos.
This is one of our best family shots. As you can only imagine, it's hard to get everyone smiling and looking at the camera at the same time. It's not the best shot of Gavin, and now that I see me in the picture I'm wondering if you can tell that my hair is back...or if you're asking yourself if I got an unattractively short hair cut right before the pictures. Don't hesitate to vote (and be honest) because we'll soon be in the process of ordering prints and buying Christmas presents, if you catch my drift.
We have some friends who own a farm just outside of Boulder, and these pictures were taken during our second encounter with them since...oh, about college. I went to high school and college with Andre and his siblings, and I may have had an inkling about how bright Andre was but never fully understood his genius. The man is brilliant. Below he is standing next to his apple press, and in the picture above Gavin is peeking out from the middle of it. Where does one acquire a thing like that? How does he have the faintest idea what to do with it when it breaks?
Pam and I took the boys to the Bay when Brent was out of town for a bike race one weekend. (I think it was Labor Day weekend.) It was a nice, redemptive visit after the previous one, which included a trip to the emergency room with Gage via ambulance. We think (not even sure to this day) that the hummus he ate may have caused the allergic reaction he experienced. It was really scary, but I had a peace about it that I can't explain apart from God. Get this: A good friend's husband (a firefighter) was supposed to be at work that day, but he had called in sick to take a personal day with his family. As he sat at the Bay and noticed my concern for Gage, he asked if I needed help. I thought he might have been choking, so Chuck gave Gage the heimlich maneuver, but that didn't resolve his issues and visible struggle for air. Gage seemed suddenly exhausted, nearly passing out on my shoulder and then on Chuck's. I was in disbelief when Chuck told me to call 911, but I'm so glad that he did and so thankful that he was there that day. He carried Gage outside, where Gage proceeded to throw up on the sidewalk. And, again, I thought that maybe he'd be OK after that. When he was still so wheezy, though, everyone thought it best to put him on the ambulance. I was holding my clothes and wearing world's oldest and most faded swimming suit when the emergency worker (Mr. Joe) started asking me questions about Gage. My dear friends offered to take Gavin home, and everything happened so quickly that I didn't even have extra clothes for Gage when we took off toward the hospital. In the ambulance Mr. Joe gave Gage albuterol and hooked him up to an IV to give him Benadryl. Even at the hospital they decided not to give him Epi--probably because his issues were resolving by then--and the little guy was so tired that he slept for nearly two hours. He was so friendly and cooperative with everyone, and Mr. Joe declared that he was by far the best two-year-old patient he had ever met or worked with, which made Mommy very proud. All the nurses pointed at him and smiled, saying how adorable he was when he came in on the stretcher in his swimming trunks and nothing else. Maybe it was the sesame seeds or the chick peas in the hummus, but whatever it was God protected him and put all of the right people in our path that day. We'll go back to Gage's allergist in January for more follow-up. God is good...all the time.
I decided to take the boys to the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo in Colorado Springs over Labor Day weekend when Brent was biking in Steamboat Springs. We all LOVED it! It was worth the drive.