The Koel Times Are A Changin'

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Malia visits from Switzerland...

Some friends are so special that they make you pictures...and even afterwards when you're just looking at them in the pictures.  There are some friends with whom you soak up every possible minute when you're together, creating memories one milkshake and Empire burger at a time.  Malia is one of those dear friends.  One of the things we like to do together when she comes home for the summer (she's currently living in Switzerland with her husband, teaching Spanish at an international school) is head to the Breckenridge.  And a must-do when we're there is visiting "Magical Scraps," an adorable little boutique with the most awesome things made (mostly) of beautiful "scraps" of fabric.  This trip especially motivated and inspired my dear Malia to buy her own belt-making supplies upon her return to Switzerland, so I expect to see a sassy-yet-gorgeous fabric belt coming my way sometime in the near future.  Just kidding, Friend...sort of. ;)


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