The Koel Times Are A Changin'

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Gavin and Gage's First Day of School

Here is Gavin on his first day of school.  You can actually also see Gage in the background in an orange shirt as he runs to the bike rack bars which he uses as parallel bars to hang on.  Both of these guys were excited to be at Apple Tree for another year, though the way they both ended up there was quite complicated.  Gavin started with a new teacher (Mrs. Ryan) in Kindergarten and goes Monday through Friday for a full day program.  Gage has Mrs. Higgins for the 3+ and goes Monday, Wednesday, and Friday while staying for lunch bunch, which is the after-school enrichment program.  One of the biggest challenges was that Apple Tree started about 2 weeks after Tara's new teaching job started so we had to coordinate how to keep them busy all day through friends' and family's help until their school started.


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