VBS X 3!!!
Yep, I was absolutely one of those moms who put the kids in three--count 'em 1, 2, 3--different vacation Bible school programs over the summer. And I would (sub in will) do it again! What better thing for kids to be involved in for three weeks of their summer?! So the first one was at a Presbyterian church in Broomfield and was totally free (!!!!), apart from the CD that I'm SO glad we bought, because we're still singing along to those tunes. The next one was at the Methodist church where Gavin and Gage go to school--and I volunteered all week for that one and loved it--and the last one was at a Lutheran church around the corner. And the first and third VBS programs used the same curriculum, which I thought--as a teacher and even just as a mom--was fabulous for my boys because it reinforced the concepts so well. Gavin and Gage both LOVE to sing and learn the motions to the songs, and they both have an incredible memory for it. I have so many great VBS memories from my childhood (mostly when my grandma enrolled me in the programs when I was visiting them in Kansas over the summers), and I'm thrilled that now my boys get to participate...three times a summer, at least!!! ;) Praise God for VBS!!!! And for all the wonderful staff and volunteers who dedicate countless hours to it. I have a whole new appreciation for it now as a mother.
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