Nathan's karate birthday party...
One of Gavin's best friends, "Nath," had a birthday party at Mile High Karate. Knowing our lively son, I (Brent) was a bit nervous how his first session would go. Karate seems to include violence but also self-control and discipline. They started out by playing a game where they run and then have to "ninja-freeze" in place on command as they race across the studio. This led to some fairly entertaining times as they stop mid-stride as seen above.
Shortly thereafter, they moved into practicing chopping and kicking the pads that the instructors were holding. Being able to hit and kick things as hard as possible--and be encouraged while doing so!--has to be about the best thing ever in Gavin's mind. He did a great job!
Every karate birthday party must obviously conclude with the cutting of the cake with a samurai sword. Nathan wielded this sword (with a bit of help) and put three solid chops into the cake before we brought out the smaller knife to finish the job.
Here is Gavin and Nathan ready for action and to take on any bad guys they could find. They sure put the hurt on those pads behind them.
Here is the entire birthday crew after some cake. Happy Birthday Nath!
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