The Koel Times Are A Changin'

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Camping with the kids - Part 1 of 3

In what has become an attempted yearly tradition, this is the camping trek up to the base of Long's Peak to camp for a night with dad.  We arrived mid-day and thankfully found that most of the informal camping spots off of the side of the road were open.  This fact was also probably aided by the fact that we were there on a Thursday and not the weekend.  In any case, we arrived with two excited boys.  This was Gavin's third trip but Gage's first.  They started scoping out the fire pit and the nearby area.

Because the old tent was only a two-person tent, we obviously needed a bigger tent.  This is the new 4-person tent we got from REI and I have to say it was a million times easier to set up than our old tent.  It even has a nice front "porch" type area that serves as a mini mud room (which you will see in pictures later).  They helped me get all the poles ready while causing some mild chaos so that I could set it up, but they wanted to pose like they set it up themselves.

The next chore is always to gather fire wood for the evening and meals.  There is an abundance of wood all over the forest that has fallen down and these two are made for collecting wood.  They love man-handling the wood and pulling it down the hillsides to a pile.  They even worked together fairly well as they carried these large trees. 

Here is Gage sitting in the mini mud room.  I think we were getting ready to go on a longer hike for the afternoon, but Gage has a frisbee in his hand which we took along.  It was a fairly warm day, but you needed jeans and a jacket or long sleeves.

We hiked up this road quite a ways and Gavin and Gage loved throwing rocks into the forest off of the side of the road.  There aren't too many places in the world that they can be totally free to do whatever they want without worrying about breaking something or someone.  We also found some nice ant piles and various other bugs, spiders, and squirrels along the way.


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