The Koel Times Are A Changin'

Friday, August 9, 2013

Hiking in Eldorado Springs - Part 2 of 2

After we hit the cave, we continued up the trail and we were left with only one direction to go.  As you can see this quickly turned  vertical and we were almost rock climbing up this boulder field.  It was actually pretty fun, but I found myself fairly worried one of these guys would tumble backwards or something and get hurt.  We were safe and they did an awesome job.

This is a view of one of the areas across the canyon from where we were hiking.  As you can see it looks like some great climbing and makes for some great scenery. 

We eventually ran out of trail and headed back down to the main road.  However, the kids weren't quite done yet so we walked up the road a bit and followed the river.  We found some great waterfalls and also were able to go down to the river a bit further up the road and play a bit in the freezing cold water.  We really had a great time together and I enjoy letting them be boys and explore and get dirty a bit.


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