The Koel Times Are A Changin'

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Gavin's 6th birthday party...

Gavin turns six!  We have been rocking the park scene for his birthday parties for all of his previous celebrations, and this year was no exception.  This time, we decided to hit up one of his favorite parks: "The Frog Park."  It has earned that name due to the pond which is next to the playground and water area.  It always has tons of frogs, a few fish, maybe a turtle or two and some other random creatures lurking.  In the picture above, you can see Gavin and his posse with a yellow insect net trying to capture whatever they can find. 

Another big draw to this park is the huge rock structure they have for kids to climb.  Through things like these, our kids have really developed a love of climbing.  I have to admit it is a bit scary to see your three-year-old scaling a 12-foot wall without any ropes or anything to keep him from falling. 

The party theme was Matchbox cars, and here is Gavin's cake.  It is quite impressive if you ask me.  It turned out fairly tasty as well.

Here is Gavin with several of his friends ready to blow out his candle.  It was great to see Gavin have such a big group of great friends.  He has always been very social and loves to meet new people and jump right into whatever they're doing.

And what's a birthday without a picture of the birthday boy and his mama?!  Happy Birthday, Gavin!  We are so proud of you and who you are becoming!  


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