The Koel Times Are A Changin'

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Gavin's 7th Birthday Party!

After much discussion, Gavin had is heart set on a party at Chuck E Cheese to celebrate his 7th birthday.  He invited several of best friends and family to join in the celebration.  After a lively session hitting the video games we settled in for some pizza and entertainment CEC style.

Our party was celebrated alongside several others and they called all the birthday candidates up to the stage to rock out on some purple balloon guitars next the Chuck E Cheese himself.  Gavin, being extremely shy, barely could be convinced to go up on stage and certainly wasn't excited to be wild in front of anyone else...just kidding.

He also got to wear a purple crown that he was fairly excited about.  Here is Gavin blowing out the candles for the cake with mom's close supervision.

The day was finished with a short trip into the ticket tube.  This thing blows like a hurricane in there and coupons for tickets are dropped in with the birthday kid.  You get to keep all the ones that you can catch by the time the wind stops.  Gavin was quite excited about this but after being in, his opinion was a bit more muted.  He said he couldn't hardly see and seemed a bit eager to exit it after experiencing it first hand.  In any case, he had a great part with his friends and family and certainly burned through a pile of game tokens.


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