The Koel Times Are A Changin'

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Venus De Miles

I rode the Venus de Miles again this year and lived to tell about it!  Last year I rode the 50-mile distance, but this year it was 62 miles.  All my boys were there to see me off, but they were playing soccer by the time I finished my ride, so they weren't there at the end.  My ride started out a little rough--sort of tight in the legs for a bit--but then it resolved itself, and I really enjoyed the ride.  

For the second year, I rode with my friend, Jessica.  Whereas last year she was riding when she was newly pregnant, this year she was riding with a newborn baby!!!  (The baby was not literally riding with us, mind you, but we did stop at one of the aide stations for Jessica to nurse said baby.)  We took this year's ride at a more leisurely pace, in general, I would say, considering the 30 min. nursing stop and another stop early on for snacks.  I didn't linger afterward, which I've realized is a big, fun part of the whole deal for me, because I wanted to get to Amanda's baby shower.  I wouldn't do it like that again.  I was glad that my mom and step-dad were there at the end to see me cross the finish line, but my finale felt too abrupt due to my own schedule that day. 

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Mama goes back to school, too!

It was strange for me to read Brent's commentary about the boys' first day of school.  I kept trying to figure out why none of it was very memorable to me, and then I realized that I wasn't there :(  I went back to school this year, too!  After 8 years of being at home with Gavin & Gage (for the most part), I returned to a full-time teaching position this year.  (Technically, it's .8, but it sure feels full!  Teaching 120 students will likely always feel like full-time work if you ask me.) It's an unusual position this year, .4 at two different schools.  I teach two classes at Rocky Top Middle School in Thornton in the morning, and then I drive to Westlake Middle School to teach two classes there, which is about ten minutes away and closer to home. 
I really underestimated the challenges of this split position and everything that would come along with it.  One of the most significant struggles is that I don't have much time at Rocky Top to meet with students or collaborate with peers.  It's been so nice to have Spanish teacher colleagues at both schools, but I have to admit that it's also been strange.  It took me a little while to realize that I have always been somewhat of a private island in my teaching past, for good or for bad.  I'm unused to the accountability and pacing with peers that comes along with being part of a team.  And I had wholly forgotten the challenges that some parents add to the mix.  I just can't believe how much time they demand--to email, call and sometimes meet with in person.  And then there's the students!  Someone aptly said to me the other day, "It's a new brand of student since you left teaching 8 years ago."  I don't know (yet) if that's totally true, but the new system has created some things in education that I don't really like or agree with.  Students don't feel motivated to do their homework on a regular basis because there's no place in their grades for it.  100% of their grade is based on assessments now, and students are graded in a standards-based system (1-4 with 4 being the highest score).  One of the main problems with this is that few students realize that by doing the practice at home, they are preparing themselves best for their assessments.  I, personally, feel stressed if I think too much about the fact that many students do nothing for my class outside of my classroom.  And this is a very fast-paced class!  In our district, Adams 12, middle school Spanish is going as fast and using the same curriculum as the high schools.  Gone is the notion of Spanish 1A for one year and 1B for the following year, the way I learned it myself and taught it for many years prior.  And, unfortunately, it doesn't much matter if I philosophically agree with that pacing and feel most comfortable teaching it that way, because I have no choice in this district.  Everyone feels like it's fast, including me!
They hired me knowing that I wanted to be able to pick up my own kids at 2:30 every day but Wednesday.  (Wednesday is early release across the district, and we have professional development and meetings on those days, so we've arranged for a combination of grandparent help and help from my friend, Emily, who can pick the boys up and be with them until 4:30ish.)  So Brent takes the boys to school most days, and I pick them up.  Though I'm physically with them most afternoons, I am often not very present, so easily distracted by tough students or parents or the work that has to get done.  I have a lot to learn about how to balance all of this.
So, Mama went back to school, too.  But, I'm really on the fence about the whole thing.  It just feels like so much!  I always appreciate the teaching schedule, and it certainly pairs well now with my boys, but my tough days beg the question:  Is there something different that could use my Spanish and other gifts that God's given me??  I may need to spend the summer contemplating that.  

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

First Day of School (K & 2nd)

It's hard to believe we have two kids in elementary school!  Gavin started 2nd grade with Mrs. Bell, and Gage started full-day Kindergarten with Mrs. Andersen.  They were obviously super excited on day one and were dressed in some super cute outfits.  Gage was sporting his new green cast that went all the way up to his shoulder on his writing arm.

Gavin's class is on the interior of the school, so he lines up on the edge of the basketball court with four other classes.  We weren't exactly sure on the first day where this line would be, but we eventually figured it out.

Gage gave Gavin a sweet hug before they parted, and Gavin even seemed to reciprocate a bit of the hugging.  I love this picture even if it doesn't have their faces showing.

We ventured on to the far side of the school where Gage lined up.  He was so excited to be at the same school as Gavin.  He was also quickly joined by one of his best friends, Piper.  I am sure he will have a great day!

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Green Mountain Hike with the Kids

I was able to take a day off with the little men and I figured what better way to tire them out then by hiking up a mountainside.  This was slightly complicated due to Gage's recent broken arm incident, so he was basically hiking/climbing with only one arm.  This is the picture from the beginning of the trail near the top of Flagstaff mountain on the way to Green mountain.  They each found some early walking sticks and were off.

We found many fun things along the way that were fun, like this log Gavin decided to perch himself on.  Early on, this trail was nice and gentle but that soon would change as we got closer to the top.

As you can see from above, the trail soon went fairly vertical and it turned more into scrambling up the rocky path.  Gavin is already blazing ahead and I encouraged Gage to take more time and slow down with me so he wouldn't fall on his face with no right arm to catch himself.

Here is the top of Green mountain.  There is a great view from up there and you can almost seen our house in Broomfield.  You also can hike this from Chatauqua up the front side but it is a much longer hike.  It still turned into a two hour trip for us.  The guys did great, as always, and even managed not to obtain any new injuries on the journey.

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Family Picture Time

We finally did it:  A Koel/Borger/Wills family photo shoot!  One of Zach and Lorna's good buddies and friend of ours in college, Todd, is a talented photographer, so we asked him to take some family pics of us when everyone was together in August.  He picked the CU campus, which we all know is the MOST BEAUTIFUL CAMPUS IN THE WORLD, so you could hardly go wrong there.

And you absolutely couldn't go wrong with these precious photo subjects.  This series on the flagstone steps at CU turned out to be so cute.  Look at Camille, the only one looking at the camera.  That's my niece!!!  The one who bears my middle name!!!  And look at Gage looking at his big brother...always looking at his big brother.  I love the smiles on Gavin's and Rylan's faces, too. 

Todd took some cool pictures of our whole crew across the pond , right next to the foreign language building where I took many-a-Spanish class as an undergrad.  Other than being slightly terrified of our kids toppling over the bridge and into the pond, this was a good thing.

No Borger (or original Borger) photo shoot would be complete without a couple Bro/Sis shots with some spunk.  I'm so thankful that Zach and I still have so much fun together!  I love how hard we can (still) make each other laugh, and I sincerely hope that never changes.  My boys are very accustomed to sentences that start, "When Uncle Zachie and I were little..." and I admit that they could possibly, someday, maybe get a little, teensy bit tired of hearing "Uncle Zachie and I never did this (insert behavior that is less than ideal)...or always did that (insert behavior that I want my kids to emulate)..."  I really do get excited when I think about my boys having the same kind of close relationship with one another that I've had with my brother throughout our lives. 

Brent and I really love this picture of Gavin!  What a handsome dude he is, and what a neat kid!  I like the fuzzy Gage in the background and even fuzzier Rylan beyond that.  My boys are sweet with their cousins, Rylan and Camille, and I regret that they don't get to hang out together more often.  We're planning a trip out to Austin to visit them over Spring Break, and we're all really looking forward to that! 

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Gavin's Sonic Boom Bike Race

Even though I didn't race this past season, Gavin still wanted do the kids race at the Louisville Sonic Boom race.  Gage also wanted to do the race, but it's not very easy to race with a broken arm so he just cheered for Gavin.  Gavin lined up with the 7-8 year old's.  It's the oldest kid race category before you can actually start racing in a true age group as a youth.  Gavin is a big 7 year old, but some of those 8 year old's look pretty big and have the next size bike up from what Gavin has.

After a while, the racers grew to quite the big group.  Gavin was still poised nervously in the front row anticipating the race start.  He did a great job waiting for probably 10-15 minutes as the race got organized.

Finally they were off!  Gavin was actually the first rider around the first corner a block up, though he admits he forgot to shift and use his gears on the back side of the course.  They did a lap of the whole 1.2 km course with the first few blocks as a slight uphill then a long downhill stretch into the flat finishing section.

I am not quite sure what place Gavin ended up but I think maybe fifth out of probably 25-30 kids.  He did great and had fun during the race which is all that really matters.  Gavin was most excited about the coupon for a free scoop of Sweet Cow ice cream for everyone who raced.  Gage also got a coupon for being an injured person who wanted to race.  Gage will have to wait until next year, I guess, for his next chance to race.

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Gage's Broken Arm

Unfortunately, this is an X-ray of our little man's arm.  We feel so bad for Gage because he keep getting hurt.  This is apparently the result of jumping off of a couch at a neighbors house while wearing a Hulk fist on his wrist.  He fell and it seems like the Hulk fist pinched in and put all his weight on the one part of his arm and it was just too much force for his bones.  Believe me, the non-X-ray version of the picture is fairly hard to look at.

Gage was a trooper and was quite calm (though likely in shock) through the whole Hospital experience.  We really need a frequent flyer punch card at Children's Hospital.  Here is Gage with his new sling and a wrapped arm underneath.  The cast is supposed to come in a week after the initial swelling has gone down.

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Tara's 20th High School Reunion

How could I POSSIBLY be old enough to be going to a 20 YEAR high school reunion?!  It really did seem pretty crazy and hard to fathom, all around.  During the day we had a family picnic at Viele Lake, and the night event was adults only at an art museum on Pearl Street where dinner and dessert was catered.  Erika Rushing (above) doesn't look AT ALL different than she did twenty years ago when I last saw her cute freckled face.  She's married with two children and lives in some place like Maryland.  (I hate to admit that I talked to so many people and heard so many different life stories that they've blurred together for me.) 

My dear Amanda (Hipsher) Fox was adorably pregnant with Baby #3 at the reunion.  She was a BIG help on the reunion committee, unlike myself.  I'm so glad she's back home! 
Honestly, the reunion was a lot more fun than I even expected it to be.  Amanda and Co. had me making announcements at the night event (sort of emceeing it, really), and I really liked that.  It felt like coming home, and I didn't feel like I was pretending to be anyone I wasn't.  It felt like everyone was pretty real, and that was comforting.  Sarah (Hearty) Price came home for the reunion weekend, and that was a total delight!  People had so much fun that they were talking about pulling the whole thing off again at 25 years.  I'd be game!