Thanksgiving at Home
We were supposed to be with Tara's parents for the official Thanksgiving day this year, but they were traveling so we decided to have the small family celebration ourselves. Here we are stuffing our grass-fed, all natural, free range, non-stressed, 13 lbs turkey. These guys haven't seen too many turkeys cooked so they were all excited to see the action first hand. I'll be honest, I think this was only the second turkey I had ever cooked myself so I was fairly nervous. We through him in a bag and then into the oven he went to get tasty.
We still set out the table with our fine china that gets used about once every six years. We had to warn the little men to be very careful with it! They turkey turned out fairly well, but not quite as good as if a real pro was the chef. The mashed potatoes and green bean casserole were excellent as always, though.
After some serious cleaning up, we broke out a brand new game to teach these guys: Risk. I wasn't quite sure how this would go, but they actually got super into it and we played for hours. It seems that our oldest son has determined that it might be easier to attack the youngest son's countries rather than facing off head to head with Dad. It's a good strategy for success, but not awesome for making sure everyone has a good time. I do enjoy watching these guys learning to think and formulate strategies and do this on their own. They are certainly growing up before our eyes.