The Koel Times Are A Changin'

Saturday, December 12, 2015

A Christmas Tree Appears

One of our truly favorite times during the year is getting the Christmas tree and decorating it.  We sometimes don't quite agree on how soon to get the tree (I think Tara wants one up the day after Thanksgiving) but we have always had one by Christmas!  Our adventure usually begins with a trip to King Soopers to see what the local selection is like.  This seems a bit funny, but good old KS has always been good to us.  I once looked up how far we would need to go to actually cut down our own tree and these days you have to travel almost two hours to a permitted place.  Maybe someday we can do this, but it seems a bit crazy.  Anyways, once we get the tree in then we do a pretty good job of tag-teaming all the ornaments and lights.  The kids love to hang the strings of lights on the tree and we try to get all the ornaments up without breaking too many.  Here is a picture of the mostly completed project with a happy crew.


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