Bolder Boulder 2017
There they are: all THREE of my boys running together in the Bolder Boulder. We had thought this might be the year that I would join them, but I hadn't been running enough to be ready and couldn't commit to the cost. I was fine to be the team photographer and cheerleader.
My (Brent's) dad was also in town for the race. As we have done previously, the plan was for my dad to run his race in the B wave and then potentially circle back around to and meet us on course at about the one mile mark. This has been helpful in the past because Gavin and Gage are a hard bunch to wrangle among the 50,000 other people running. As our boys have gotten faster over the years, we have moved up in starting waves and this year we were too far forward for my Dad to meet us. We had a great time though and we all decided to run at Gage's pace. Sometimes Gavin would get a bit ahead but he did a great job staying where I could see him. We only made two bathroom breaks on course and made sure not to miss the marshmallows and the Doritos stations. Here we are finishing in the stadium. Gavin is in the foreground, and Brent and Gage are only a few feet behind. I was talking to the boys about "finishing strong" but I didn't quite realize Gavin would take that to mean "sprint away from us in the stadium" and miss the great group pictures. I think we ran 1:14:00 which was very respectable, I thought.
I'm so glad that this has become an annual tradition for our family. Maybe next year we can all four get in on the action if Tara's ankle continues to heal.