The Koel Times Are A Changin'

Saturday, June 24, 2017

Kansas Trip - Part 2 of 3

The boys even practiced some soccer in Ron & Patsy's front yard.  This was an unusually pleasant trip to Kansas in June, as far as the weather goes.  It was never unbearably sweltering like every other memory I have of summer in Kansas. 

Most days were really mild, but there was a beautifully sunny day that was perfect for taking their boat out on Marion lake.  This was the first time we had been to the lake together and certainly the first time our boys had ever been on a small boat like this.  The boys LOVED it!

It really was a perfect day for this outing and something we'd been talking about doing together for years!

I even got a short turn as pilot, which was fun, and the boys had a HEY DAY in the inner tube together bouncing in the water behind the boat.

Oh my goodness, what a great picture of our boys!  They had so much fun that day.  It's so fun for me to see my aunt and uncle showing the boys such a great time, the same way they always did with me and my brother as kids.  I have wonderful memories of camping and fishing with Ron & Patsy when I was little. 

Look who's driving now!!! (I loved that he was even wearing Uncle Ron's hat to make sure that he really fit the part.) 


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