Gavin's Soccer vs. BHS
With a few High School soccer games under his belt, we finally had a game that was a bit special for me to come and watch as it was at my Alma Mater (Boulder High School). However, I don't ever remember a soccer game being truly played on this area. I thought they used it for practice for the lower teams, but it's only like half as wide as a normal field width, so it made for a crazy game. I also threatened to wear my letter jacket to the game, but Gavin decided that wouldn't be a good idea...go figure!
Gavin only plays about half the game, as the "C" team is really more about getting everyone time on the field. He does like a very physical style of play which is more of what you see in High School ball rather than the Club soccer. Club soccer can be physical too, but it much more tactical and technical than what we see out here.
Gavin does enjoy his size advantage over most of the people he plays against as you can see in this picture and the one above. I am proud of him for getting back into soccer and really working to push himself to be his best. In the end, this game was a tie but was a bit back and forth but really crazy to be back around my old school. It certainly feels like a long time ago since I was there for school, and I am still struggling to wrap my mind around the fact that I have a son going through high school.