The Koel Times Are A Changin'

Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Fish Anyone?

Following up the day after the Go-Karting adventures, we had an off-site internal conference for IT in downtown Denver.  After the day was done we were divided out into groups to go to eat with one of the IT Directors and, in a bit of irony, I drew Stoic & Genuine which is a multi-coastal seafood and oyster house.  Anyone that knows me well has probably heard me talk about the fact that I don't eat anything that swims as a general rule of while everyone was getting all these high-end oyster and seafood platters and stuff, I found some sort of burger they had tucked away at the bottom of the menu.

This is a picture of a whole fish that someone ordered at our table.  We had quite a few jokes throughout the night of the luck of drawing a seafood place and not really eating any.  In any case, I enjoyed the company and the night out with the work team!


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