Costa Rica Family Trip - Day 3 (Part 2 of 2)
After the tour, we walked back South along the bank of the river and headed towards Playa Tamarindo. Apparently, in the background of this picture, is a flag signifying that you can't swim past this flag because the alligators sometimes are in this area where the river meets the ocean and people have been attacked. Needless to say, we stayed out of the water, but it was a really pretty walk back.
After hanging at the beach for a bit, we walked back up to our place and were shocked to see some new visitors in the trees at the very place we were staying!
This monkey was literally lounging right outside our place after we just got back from a half-day tour looking for monkeys!
These giant iguanas also were chilling in the trees where the monkeys were as well. It was pretty awesome and they were even closer than what we had previously seen.
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