Costa Rica Family Trip - Day 7 (Part 2 of 4)
Over the next few hours, we really had an amazing time and caught tons of fish. Here is Gavin with a great sized tuna that we kept to eat for dinner.
A bit later Gavin reeled in our only Mahi Mahi or "El Dorado" of the day. This thing put up a pretty good fight for him and obviously we had to keep that one for eating, as well.
This is Gage getting in on the action with another good-sized tuna. I would say that we were catching something about every 10-15 minutes or something for several hours straight. We slowly travelled South down the coast towards Playa Negra and Los Pargos and then back again.
Here is another little bait fish we caught. They are really cool looking! We had the gear to head out to some deeper water to try to catch some fish that were even bigger than what we were catching, but it was a somewhat windy day and the farther out you go the choppier it gets and less favorable for fishing. The guys were having a blast, so we didn't really worry about it too much and stayed closer in.
Towards the end of the day, we were using some of the bigger bait fish and actually hooked something a bit bigger (perhaps even a shark), but it ultimately got away. This was all that was left when we got the line back to the boat!
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