The Koel Times Are A Changin'

Friday, December 23, 2022

Costa Rica Family Trip - Day 5 (Part 1 of 2)

After packing most of the days up to this point full of different adventures, we decided to have more of a recovery day in the middle of the trip.  Tara signed up for a beach yoga class in the mid-morning.  You can see here above amongst the other attendees with their towels on the beach.  I think she said that it was a decent class, but not the best she has ever been to.  

While we waited for her to finish up, Gavin was in full exploration mode and found whatever this thing is.  It looked like a sea urchin of some kind.

After some exploration, our guys found some friends playing soccer on the beach.  This eventually turned into a full six on six game at one point with kids coming out of the woodwork to get in on the action.  It was great to see these guys just jump in with some locals and just try to keep up, as playing on sand was quite the new experience.


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