The Koel Times Are A Changin'

Saturday, December 24, 2022

Costa Rica Family Trip - Day 6 (Part 2 of 3)

As we ascended upstream to seek out the waterfall, we stopped at a bunch of different places to cross the water, swim in deeper pool areas, and of course apply some clay mud to our faces!

Here is another family picture along the journey.  It was really cool learning about the area, the history, and of course Tara was in heaven talking the guides up in Spanish.

The last little bit to get to the actual waterfall was quite challenging.  We were half wading/half swimming and holding onto this rope as we fought against the current through this slot canyon.  It was a bit nerve wracking, and I am not sure if the water was flowing a bit stronger that we could have made it.  I think I went first, and this was Tara coming through.

At last, we finally all made it, and the waterfall was definitely worth it!  This thing was ripping behind us and just drenching us in the mist.  It was beautiful with the sun peeking through the canyon walls.  The guys were loving every minute of it!


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