The Koel Times Are A Changin'

Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmastime at our house..

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! If you're wondering if you got left out of the annual Koel Christmas letter, you did...and so did everybody else! We're sorry, but it just didn't get written this year amidst the normal holiday festivities and joyful chaos. And I have to admit that the hassle factor and postage cost were deterrents as well. I think that I might be getting more and more into the idea of a Christmas/New Year email update like some of you have done. You trend-setters know who you are--way to inspire!
Here's our best Christmas present...after Jesus that is. We're not sure why Gavin always has such a red nose (don't know if you can see that in this picture), but we were sure happy to have Rudolph living right under our own roof at Christmastime this year. (Speaking of roofs, we just lost a five-foot patch of shingles the other night when it was SUPER windy! Fortunately, we were told that it was only mild damage to an otherwise solid roof, but unfortunately there wasn't enough damage done to justify a new roof at the expense of our insurance company.)
This was this year's Christmas hat, a snowman with a carrot nose that I wish you could see better in this picture. I, personally, enjoy the eclectic combination of clothing and accessories in this picture. Who dresses this child?!

Thank you all for your wonderful and informative Christmas letters and pictures. Your pictures have filled the back of our front door this year, and it's been fun to see your faces. (Thanks for that idea, Darby!) It's always fun to read your letters, and that's the reason we were a little bummed that we didn't get one out this year. May Jesus fill your hearts and your homes more in this new year ahead. Keep in touch, and check our blog for periodic Koel updates.

Footprints in the snow...

(Gavin's footprints in the snow)
This picture makes me think of this great poem by Mary Stevenson:

One night a man had a dream. He dreamed
he was walking along the beach with the LORD.

Across the sky flashed scenes from his life.
For each scene he noticed two sets of
footprints in the sand: one belonging
to him, and the other to the LORD.

When the last scene of his life flashed before him,
he looked back at the footprints in the sand.

He noticed that many times along the path of
his life there was only one set of footprints.

He also noticed that it happened at the very
lowest and saddest times in his life.

This really bothered him and he
questioned the LORD about it:

"LORD, you said that once I decided to follow
you, you'd walk with me all the way.
But I have noticed that during the most
troublesome times in my life,
there is only one set of footprints.
I don't understand why when
I needed you most you would leave me."

The LORD replied:

"My son, my precious child,
I love you and I would never leave you.
During your times of trial and suffering,
when you see only one set of footprints,
it was then that I carried you."

My new shoes!

Doesn't just the cuff of his pants and his hip, new shoes say, "I'm almost 16 months!"? I finally broke down and bought our son his first real pair of shoes. He's been so blessed with hand-me-downs and gifts that we've hardly had to buy Gavin any clothes or shoes until now! I found two "must-have's" at Kohl's--this pair of Nike tennis shoes and another brown pair of "dress" shoes. The nice thing about Kohl's--besides the fact that it's two minutes from our house and appears to be very similar to our last name--is that everything's always on sale!!! You know it's true.
Mommy and Gavin in red...
I just had to put--or more like stuff--Gavin into this adorable little bomber jacket before he couldn't fit in it for real. It's army green, and that's a little helicopter on the pocket. This one's for you, Dad!

Watching some football and mooching Daddy's bread...

It's been so much fun sitting and playing with Gavin on the couch lately. He says "bup" when he wants up on the couch with us. Check 'em out: These are my main men.

Playing in the snow...

Mommy's prep time getting Gavin all suited up was WAY longer than the actual play time spent outside in the cold. Aren't these little snow pants cute?
Gavin had a wonderful time playing in the snow. Now if I could only get him to keep his gloves on! Any suggestions?
Daddy & son playing in the snow together....
He's a cute one!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Pants from a past generation...

Here you have it: Gavin is officially able to wear Brent's Levis jeans from when he was little. I honestly didn't think that Gavin would ever make it into the tiny waist, but he did! And these are no elastic, buttons-in-the-crotch jeans. These are the real deal, and my friend pointed out that this is a real testimony to the quality of the jeans if you think about it. They've got to be about 30 years old! I wish that he could also fit into Uncle Zachie's nearly 30-year-old cowboy boots, but that doesn't seem to be happening. Can you imagine what a combination that outfit would be?!
If he can repeat the act of fitting into the wasp-waisted, 1978 Levis, then Gavin would actually be able to wear these pants for quite some time because they're pretty long. I like how cute they are rolled up here.


Indeed, we have SO much to be grateful for! Here's our family picture taken right before our very first family Thanksgiving feast. Now by that I mean that we actually cooked our own turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, etc. in our own home. (Brent and I both admitted that our turkey-in-a-bag lacked some major flavor, so please feel free to suggest some turkey secrets if you have any.) It seemed like a lot of work to cook all of that for just the three of us, but it was fun, and we still have left-overs. I have to give Brent props because he really ended up cooking 98% of the meal while I chased Gavin around 98% of the time and held him so that he could see what Daddy was doing. We may have a chef on our hands, I tell you! Gavin always wants to know what's going on in the kitchen. He even helped Grammie stir with a whisk when we celebrated Thanksgiving with family on Saturday.
Look at our tough little Bronco!
Wow! I mean, look at Gavin in this get-up!!! Daddy dressed him for church, and I really don't think that it can get much cuter than this!
I'll take credit for having cut Brent's head off in the above picture, but I know that I really can NOT take credit for how absolutely precious and adorable our son is. That's all God, folks! Thank you, Lord, for our beautiful son whom You've given us to love and adore. Y'all can probably tell that I admire God's handiwork in our son quite often.


One of our favorite activities lately has been doing anything under a blanky. Gavin has started saying "blanky" now, and he likes to go get one and bring it to us from time to time. Then he crawls up into our laps and pats the blanket twice when it covers his little legs. I relish these still, rare moments to read to my son and cuddle up together. It looks like Daddy enjoys them too.

Baby Einstein saves the afternoon again!

Please observe the following things in this picture: the must-have spatula in Gavin's hand, the sock monkey under the other arm, the two couch pillows propping him up and, of course, his priceless expression. Then consider the riveting material that Gavin was watching the moment that I captured this photo (see picture below). I'll just say it as it is: Baby Einstein, for as basic and sometimes mysteriously captivating as it seems, saves the day every once in awhile. In this particular occasion, for example, it bought me the necessary 20 minutes to get dinner on the stove sans the tiny chef in the kitchen.