So, my cousins' boyfriends' (
Westin and Garrett) family has a dairy that we visited too. They have 150 cows, and we even got to see a baby one that was just born the day we were visiting.

Here's Gavin peering into the huge tank of milk, fresh from the cows. We were there in the evening when the cows were being milked, and it was really quite interesting to see.

Gavin learned that cows "moo" when they're hungry. (I can't say that I knew that, myself, before this visit. Did you?) They let Gavin feed the cows too.

On our last day Uncle Ron pulled Gavin and Sammy (the Golden Retriever) in the trailer behind the four-wheeler. He said he'd never put the dog in there before, but everyone seemed to enjoy the ride.

It was a busy, fun, adventurous and exhausting trip. In terms of sleep, Gavin did better than we expected him to, and Gage actually had a harder time that we expected him to. But, in the end, I'm so glad that we went to Kansas to visit my family! Thanks, everyone, for a great trip!!!