The Koel Times Are A Changin'

Saturday, August 6, 2011

A birthday party at the pool...

Gavin's little buddy, Nathan, invited him to his birthday party at the swimming pool, and that was a lot of fun. I was glad that Brent and I could both be there, because at this stage it's not easy taking both of the boys swimming by myself.

We only recently remembered the water wings, and by the end of this party Gage was starting to get the hang of them and really appreciate having them. He's learning to trust them, and I'm learning what they can and can not do for my son in the water.

Daddy and Gage were having some snacks on the pool chairs.

Gage picked up on how to drink the Capri Suns quite quickly, as you can see. His number one choice for a beverage these days is "chooce" (said kinda like a choo choo train), and he'd be one happy camper if we indulged him at every meal. He still doesn't drink much milk, but he's always been a really good water drinker. And I'm sure that he gets enough calcium from all of the "yogoo" and "cheece" that he eats daily.


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