The Koel Times Are A Changin'

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Parks and play...

There's no stopping our tree-climbing boy, really. Strangers always look at us when Gavin is climbing in trees or at parks, like they're making sure that we see what he's doing. But, for the most part, it feels like it would be too much work to try to stop him from doing what he's so naturally inclined to do. This gets us in trouble, of course, when we're in places where things are not meant to be climbed (displays at the grocery store, the outside of play structures, etc.) so it's tough to know how to best train our little monkey.

These are pictures that I took at the park outside of the Children's Museum. I love these rocks that make perfect little shady seats.

What sweeties! Here's an interesting observation I've made recently: Gavin and Gage play better together when they're outside and when I'm not right next to them. I guess there are less toys to fight over at play grounds, and for the most part they stick together when they are surrounded by other kids that they may or may not know very well. I just observed the way that Gavin helped Gage down the slide and bent over to ask him if he was OK when he tripped the other day...and they didn't know that I was watching.


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