The Koel Times Are A Changin'

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Lafayette fountains...

I've said it before, but it bears repeating: I love the person who came up with public fountains for kids in the summertime. My boys love them!

Gone is Gage's initial hesitancy with the fountains. He's having as much fun as Gavin these days watching the sand/water toys fly up with the force of the fountains. And do you notice his adorable orange Crocs? Those were Gavin's first Crocs, and I'm still in shock that they fit being that he's a 5.5 and the shoes are a 4/5. I love 'em though, so I won't complain. And I love the little Croc tan he has too--little brown dots on the top of his feet.

So precious! I love seeing Gage's ribs in this picture.

I just love seeing my boys' utter excitement in the face of the fountains. I'll be sad when they close for the summer.


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