The Koel Times Are A Changin'

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Sunflower Farm...

Have you heard of Sunflower Farm in Prospect, on the edge of Longmont? It's an awesome farm for kids of all ages, and--as you'll see you in the pictures--my boys did it all. How cute is Gage driving this old tractor?

They have sort of a hay maze set up with boards in between, and Gage got a kick out of walking in between the bales. It was a cooler weather day when we went, which turned out to be just right for everything we did.

Horse rides are included in the tickets (!), and Gavin loved this part. Gage thought he would, and when they put him up on the horse (or tried to) he wanted nothing to do with it.

This tire swing (in the shape of a horse) was underneath the hugest, oldest tree, so the distance and height at which you could swing were pretty impressive. You can bet Gavin enjoyed every ride. The kids also got to feed some goats corn and look at "wild" farm animals running around. And they both liked the little zip line. I'm a big fan of Sunflower Farm, and we'd like to take Daddy back sometime this fall. They have funky hours for most of the summer, but they resume semi-regular hours in September. It's a little costly to get in, but it's worth every penny.


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