The Koel Times Are A Changin'

Friday, August 3, 2012

British soccer camp...

Gavin participated in a British soccer camp for a week this summer for the first time, and we all LOVED it and would highly recommend it.  Apparently the British coaches are hosted for a week or two at a time all summer long by participants in the program all over the United States.  It's hard to get good soccer coaches who are also good with kids, but these folks have it down on both fronts!  Gavin had a blast and learned a lot, too.  In the picture above he's raising his hand to answer a question and standing next to his good buddy and school classmate, Callie.

The coaches were hilarious, especially "Coach Lear."  Gavin has Coach Leah again this Fall for a soccer skills class on Thursday evenings, and he's working hard and enjoying that, too.  One day all of the coaches dressed up in every silly prop that we all brought from home, and the kids (and parents!) cracked up while they all played some game that probably had to do with pirates, which just so happens to be Coach Leah's forte, the 'ol pirate speak.  She's impressive!  She's won nationwide coaching awards, and I can totally see why. 


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