Tara took a weekend vacation, so I was excited to take the little men up for a hike/bike day in the foothills. This first picture was taken from the trial head and was more about just experimenting with my new camera. It did turn out to be quite a pretty day, but a little mild.
As usual, at the beginning of the hike they are off to the races and trying to leave me in the dust. This usually goes on for about 3-4 minutes and then they need to find some cactus to try to touch, some log to try to roll over, or some rock to try to fall off of.
Here is Gage enjoying himself on one such rock. I usually try to allow them a decent amount of liberty or freedom on these hikes, but I often have to intervene when rocks start getting thrown in all directions with total disregard for where anyone else is. All in all, we have had several of these hikes and they always seem to be a blast. I love that we can just get out and walk or run around and get some exercise.
Not wanting to return home without these guys seriously tired, we got back to the car from the hike at Shanahan Ridge and went over to Marshal Mesa for a trail ride. Gage, at this point, is a good cyclist on pavement but sometimes gets a bit wild on the dirt trails. It's hard to teach him that he can't turn quite as quickly without slipping without him experiencing it for himself. Thankfully he is a fairly quick learner, though we did get back to the car with a few war wounds from the ride.
Lastly, here is a picture from the bike ride trail. I always love having the time to look at the beauty of the mountains and where we live. I think the new camera is taking some good pictures too.