Something fun and free that we decided to do--sort of in lieu of going to Sea World, like they were in the same league, but I told myself there was enough overlap--was taking the boys to visit a sea lion rescue outfit up the canyon from us. We got to see a bunch of rescued sea lions but couldn't see the alleged elephant seal/s because they were being temporarily kept indoors. It was interesting and pretty small potatoes, honestly, so it's a good thing the boys didn't totally understand what they
weren't seeing at Sea World.
On our second trip to beautiful Huntington Beach just up the road, we took the boogie board from the house where we were staying and even a beach umbrella, though no one really sat under it much. Brent was so much more well-versed in the ways of the ocean, and it was fun to see him playing in the waves and experiencing the beach with the boys.
It definitely wasn't balmy while we were there, which was fine most of the time, except when we'd been in and out of the water. What cracked me up was watching Gage attempt to rid himself of every grain of sand in the water and then proceed to lay himself down in the sand (sometimes sans towel) a little piece meat getting perfectly breaded.
I have always liked me a good sand castle. We brought one sand pail from home, and then I picked up another abandoned one on the beach one day. And, yes, I am wearing a long-sleeved sun shirt, winning the approval of my dermatologist every step of the way. ;) I've started taking sun damage more seriously ever since Mom had melanoma on her leg a year or two ago. I'm sure that one reason I like doing things like building sand castles with my boys is that it's an activity during which they
might stay in one place long enough (with me) talk and just do something together.