The Koel Times Are A Changin'

Friday, December 25, 2015

Merry Christmas!

I always love Christmas morning with the family as we read the Christmas story, eat some monkey bread, and open presents together.  I think the kids are probably a bit more partial to the presents.  Gavin got right into things early with a quad-copter drone from Grandpa Bruce and Grandma Emily.  It was one of these gifts that stops the whole production so he could try to fly it instantly.  You can kind of see the green lights of the drone just a bit in front of him.

Gage followed up next with his very own minions art kit.  It was very happy to have a full set of crayons and markers that could stay with him in his room and wouldn't have to be borrowed from his brother.  He is also was a huge fan of minions...probably because they are kind of goofy like he is.

The final surprise was Gavin's very first road bike.  He had outgrown his mountain bike and we are riding more and more the older he gets, so it made sense to give him something that could keep up a bit more.  It had two sets of hand breaks so he could learn to ride in different hand positions while still being able to break.  It also was the first bike that he would have that has gears to shift in the front and the back.  As something that I love to do, I hope this bike inspires him to want to ride more and more.


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