The Koel Times Are A Changin'

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Snow Finally!

It seemed like we waiting quite a while for some decent snow this year, but it family started to come down in a respectable amount.  Gavin and Gage were both all over shoveling the driveway again with their shovels, though the effort needs quite a bit of quality control still.  Above we have Gage working a single path down to the street.

Gavin quickly joined in with his matching top and bottom blue snow suit.  That shovel looks a bit small, though...

Later in the day these guys moved to the back yard and cleared a path to the grill.  The sun even came out to keep them warm, though the cold doesn't seem to effect them until they are absolutely frozen.  Then they hit this wall where they just have to instantly get inside.  What a great picture of these guys.


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