The Koel Times Are A Changin'

Saturday, January 2, 2016

Uncle Adam Visits

The Christmas break also brought another Uncle into town.  Uncle Adam took a two week trip into Colorado and made the rounds over his break from college where he is in his junior year at Occidental College.  He initially stayed with some friends down near Colorado Springs and then spent several days and nights with us up in Broomfield.  Adam was a bit under the weather when he first arrived because he had been staying with a family with multiple animals and he is fairly allergic to them.  I convinced him to let me take him to the doctor to get some antibiotics and medicine, which was probably the right thing to do because he looked a bit rough around the edges.  The kids, however, didn't let him relax because they got right into playing together and just goofing around in general.  It was great to have him around.  The funny thing is, I do remember that they noted how obvious the resemblance of Uncle Adam's physique was to their dad's. 


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