The Koel Times Are A Changin'

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Jungle Quest for Madison and Sarah's Birthdays

Sarah and Madison had a joint Birthday party at a place called Jungle Quest.  I think there are two of these in Denver and this one is the closer of the two to them.  We have actually never been to one before, but Gavin and Gage are obviously always up for something that involves ropes and climbing and swinging and general chaos.  I am not sure they were ready for the craziness was about to take place.  Here is Gavin swinging across the room on a giant rope swing. 

They had several people there assisting at different locations, but they essentially turned the group of twenty to twenty five kids loose with harnesses and they were free to clip in to all sorts of different traverses and swings.  Thankfully, our kids have rock climbed enough to where they were comfortable and competent in doing this by themselves.

One of the funniest obstacles to watch (and most challenging too) was this rope walk where you had to step from rope loop to rope loop as you traversed across the whole area.  This often led to positions like Gage is showing us above in the splits.  It's a good thing kids are so flexible when they are young, because I am not sure I would be walking after a few of those.  In the end, there were no injuries and they closed the day with some cupcakes for everyone.  It was great to be able to celebrate with Madison and Sarah for their birthdays!


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