How cute is this?! Gage and Haley haven't seen nearly as much of each other as their older siblings did when they were this age. It's so fun for me and Andrea that both of our kids are within two weeks of one another, but we often lament the distance between us. 45 minutes doesn't seem like a huge chasm at face value, but it's enough of a commitment to make it not-so-convenient for us to see each other as often as we would like; and, hence, our littlest ones don't know one another as well as we'd like them to. It was a fun day to see Haley and Gage playing peek-a-boo together.

Man, I tried so many times to get both of my little rats in this picture together. We all went to this fun water park near our house, and there's a log there with lots of little, ideal-seeming holes in it, just perfect for picture-taking...but this was as good as it got.

And then there's Gavin: That child of ours thinks that the world and everything in it is climbable. I've been trying to teach him lately that not
everything should, in fact, be climbed, but it doesn't stop him from trying. People often comment at the parks and playgrounds that he really is quite nimble for a kid his age. (They may not use that word, per
se, but I think that's what they're saying :) ) It doesn't terrify me to watch him defy gravity the way it used to, but I'm very aware (maybe too much so) about how nervous it makes everyone else. And of course I don't want to see him get hurt, so it's a tough balance to raise our daring four-year-old to be both adventurous and cautious at the same time.