Gage is climbing a bronze statue outside of the downtown
REI in this picture.
REI (complete with a Starbucks on the main level and a kids' play area on the top level) is a pretty winning midway spot for me and my South Denver buddies to meet.

The more recent discovery--as of last summer, right Tanya?--is the Confluence Park area
behind REI where crawdads have been sighted and sand castles can be built...and we can all pretend for a day that we're at the beach.

Here we are (Tanya and I) in our straw hats and youngest children, Gage and Peter. You can imagine that there's a lot of corralling the kids and brushing sand off of
everything, but we've decided that it's worth it. A fun excursion on a hot day, to be sure.

I should send this in to some Starbucks Corporate (Body Corporate?) somewhere, shouldn't I? Gavin is doing a great job of selling the beans....and rock climbing, all at once.
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